In light of recent teen suicides linked to bullying MTV has partnered with actress Brittany Snow and the Jed Foundation, with support from, the Trevor Project, Reach Out, Active Minds and the Ad Council, to help spread messages of love and hope to teens who feel they might have run out of options.
Jenna Dewan-Tatum recently joined the Love Is Louder campaign by sharing her struggle with bullying in the video below...
People everywhere have committed to turning up the volume on Tuesday 10/19/10 to let anyone who feels mistreated, misunderstood or alone know that #loveislouder than the voices that cause us pain.
Individuals, schools, organizations and groups of friends will be taking pics and videos, raising awareness and making some noise, and wants to join this wonderful cause too, so here's how we can all easily get involved:
- Post your #loveislouder messages, links, photos, video, audio here on or tweet them to our official Twitter @postthelove with the hashtag #loveislouder.
- Write #loveislouder on your hand and spread the word all day long.
- Brittany Snow will be hosting a party for her friends in L.A. Get your friends together for your own #loveislouder party. Take pictures and videos. Get creative. Or do it on your own and then upload your pics to their FB page or your videos to Here’s a sample of a video made in New Orleans. And here is montage of some of the photos that have been uploaded so far. If you upload your videos or pics somewhere else, email LoveIsLouder a link at [email protected].
- Make #loveislouder signs and hang them around your campus or community.
- Tweet out #loveislouder messages throughout the day. “I believe #loveislouder than hate” or “I've felt isolated and hopeless, but #loveislouder than the pain.” Customize your tweet and make the message your own.
- If you live in one of the cities with LOVE sculptures (CLICK HERE for a list), show up at the statue at 6 p.m. EST (3 p.m. PST) to take group photos and chant “Love is Louder.”
If you need a little more inspiration, here's a great pic from PTL'er Raquel...
Thank you in advance for joining the Love Is Louder movement by using your voice and visilibity to spread the word that #LoveisLouder than harassment, isolation, discrimination, and pain.
It creeps up inside u...
It dont even ask...
Its such a surprise, a dark mass...
It wrenches at all ur emotions,it pulls tight...
U lose control, U fill with fright...
Ur not urself, U need HELP...
U may survive, U may not, If ur in to deep to make it STOP...
U want it to stop you dont like the PAIN...
U need a release to make it go away...
The pain is strong, what is wrong...
Do u do what is says or FIGHT instead...
U must FIGHT its not worth ur LIFE...
No matter how hard life may get, Suicide is not the answer to it, U need LOVE instead to FIGHT...
If u feel that something in u is not right, Dont be afraid to SPEAK OUT, SPEAK LOUD, dont be to PROUD to ask someone for help...
PLEASE dont wait till its to late, U cant come back if u allow death to win a match...
<3 <3 #LOVEisLOUDER, LOVEisPOWER# <3 <3
Posted by: Trish Geren | 10/19/2010 at 05:01 AM
Thank You Q For Posting My #LoveisLouder Pic:)
I Know #LoveisLouder Than Anything!
#LoveisLouder #LoveisLouder #LoveisLouder!
Posted by: Raquel Pacheco | 10/19/2010 at 05:51 PM
I miss my friend that thought death was the better way, because his girlfriend had left him. If only he had known how many people would suffered by his decision, and how many people were ready to help if only we had known. he was one of the niciest and one of the most beautiful person I have ever known, and now I miss him so much. Nobody should think that there are no other way than death. Let people help you. Of course, Love is Louder!
Posted by: Sarah | 10/22/2010 at 06:57 AM
As a teacher, I see first had how bullying can harm our children. Love is Louder! I love this site and would love to use the site in class but I can not get to the site from school. We have made Post the Love or Love is Louder bags and placed them on a table. Each student took the time to write a positive note about each of their classmates. Then we all sat down to read our notes. You could feel the caring and happiness in the room. It was a really cool activity and the students really enjoyed it.
Posted by: Heidi | 11/05/2010 at 09:55 PM
That's so awesome, Heidi! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Q | 11/06/2010 at 10:40 AM
I was bullied at my school as there were only 90 kids in my graduating class. We grew up together from K-12. It started as young as 5th grade. In 6th grade there was a girl one year younger than me and she used to beat girls up (she is now in jail at 27 years old, so that kind of explains it) and she beat me up a few times for trying to stick up for my friends. In 6th grade through 8th grade 5 girls would wait for me to go to the restroom, then corner me in the bathroom and first verbally abuse me which was followed by beating me up. This happened quite often throughout the years. My mother would try to tell the principle, but of course I knew that it would only fuel the fire. In 9th grade, those girls, for some reason, decided that they felt bad and said they were sorry. In 10th grade I got onto the dance/cheer squad. I had been in a dance company from 4th grade up until 12th grade. The girls that were on the squad were in a "rival" dance studio. Our dance teacher told us to befriend them and treat them with kindness, but they were taught at their studio that they were more talented and not to speak to us. I don't know if this was something between our dance teachers or what, but it was like this ever since the beginning of my dance days. So, in cheer, I was cursed at, told I looked aweful, I had to practice harder than the other girls even though I had the moves perfectly, and they said I could never be in the front of any of their dances. (My dance teacher taught me well and said that any where you are in a dance, you a just a piece of it and you make that position look the best you can. Every position in dance is important, be it the back, side or front). By the end of my first and ONLY year of dance/cheer, I had struggled with bullying, low self esteem and depression too much, so I quit. The next year I had 3 girls that were my "best friends" just decide to pick on me and not be my friends one day. They sent out a mass email to all the kids at school that I had horrible sexually transmitted diseases and I was not able to go to school for a week until it all settled down and the principle expelled them for a few days after seeing the email.
Now, going back home for holidays to visit, I often run into these girls and they tell me "Sorry for being so mean to you. I did it because I was jealous of you." I hate hearing that because I know for a fact that they had nothing to be jealous of. A lot of the girls, I come to find out, thought that I had all the boys wrapped around my finger because I was outgoing and the rally commissioner. I am shocked to hear this as NO boys ever asked me out at school and I was more a friend to them than anything.
Bullying changed my life and has allowed me to be who I am. Is it ok? Absolutely not, but it happens, EVERYWHERE! Adults still bully, even after knowing it's wrong. Please, make sure you tell someone if you are being bullied or if you see someone being bullied. Reach out to those who are being bullied because you may be the only person they can tell.
I hope my story has helped in some way:)
Posted by: Eva | 12/21/2010 at 12:38 PM
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
Posted by: supra footwear | 01/13/2011 at 11:21 PM
Thank You Q For Posting My #LoveisLouder Pic:)
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