True love came in the form of a freckle-faced, red-haired 12 year-old boy with a cast on his arm and braces on his teeth who I saw across a junior high cafeteria as I waited for my bus.
Almost 20 years, 2 kids, 1 long distance relationship, and a lot of love later... I get to see those same freckles on the beautiful faces of my children who are extremely lucky to have an amazing father. I picked well. Even at 11, I knew a good thing when I saw it and have hung on to it for dear life. ;-)
Even though I've had a crush on my husband since I was 11, he didn't know it until I was 16. I remember it like it was yesterday...
The Monday after a chance meeting at a school party that changed my life, I could have fainted when he tapped me on my shoulder to say "Hey!" as I took some books out of my locker.
I just about died when I realized it was HIM standing behind me. My pedestal guy, the high school JOCK, the guy who could date almost anyone he wanted was saying hey to me, a bonefied, self-diagnosed NERD. It was my very own "Sixteen Candles" and I think it's why I love John Hughes and that movie to this day.
Even though he didn't know I liked him until high school, I did share it with a few people back in junior high. One of those friends was kind enough to write my phone number in my future husband's junior high yearbook. Told him to call me and five SHORT years later he did just that with said number (luckily it hadn't changed).
And there's even physical proof of our relationship at our old high school. The brick you see in the photo above is part of a dedication wall at our high school, and it even shows the date we got married.
I think it's easy to love someone "because of". After many years of marriage, I think true love is sometimes found in the "inspite of's". Those little quirks you learn about as time goes on, but you love them anyway.
I was lucky enough to have found my true love across a crowded junior high cafeteria. How did you find yours? Your love could be a person or it could be a hobby that has changed your life. Either way, I want to hear about it. What is your true love and what does it mean to you? Get to posting, because I can't wait to hear your stories!
Oh and...