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Heck yeah this is eaxtlcy what I needed.


i love yuh Chan!!!


thanks dark angel! you truly are an angel, not dark though :) thanks a bunch! i love what u did and i hope Chan and Jenna will get to see ur wonderful project and in turn, we get to meet them through this. yey! best day of my life!!!




OH MY GOD! that's Great! i am so happy for you jenna- you just so made my day.. i WAS worried about you for a sec there like was it the rain that cusead something..? but to hear you're engaged!@ like girl, time to celebrate! with some FOOD! hope you went out to an amazing restaurant and can't wait to hear your story-much love to you two! you're so lucky to be engaged to such a great man, and he is so lucky to be engaged to such a great, loving and great chef of a woman~ cheers :) ellen

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