My name is Margie from Get Plus Followers and I’ve been reading
Do Nonprofits Need To Consider iPads in their Mobile/WebStrategy? . I first got hooked by reading your most recent blog post.
I’ve got a site that focuses specifically on fashion, and I’m trying to get my name out there as best as I can.
I had a couple of ideas for guest posts that I thought might be a really good fit for your site.
Let me know if you think it might be valuable to your audience, I'll pass on some ideas so you can decide whether it's a good fit for your site.
I'll write up everything and send it according to your guidelines, paying special attention to the tone of the blog, in general, shouldn’t be too hard.
I understand what your readers love as I am one.
Thanks for all that you do. I hope we can stay in touch.
All posts will be cross promoted on our social media channels for more exposure.
Thank You,
Margie Heaneythe
Get Plus Followers